Humans have been playing with dices since before the recorded event. There are various games of chance uses 6 sided cubes and it all developed into the game of Craps. It is also one of the many bases of its rules and methods of playing.
Its modern version of the game is usually played using its distinctive set of rules leading to its early versions to develop throughout the years.
Craps: The Origins
The game required only a dice and a couple of players to wager their money. Dating back to World War II, the soldiers of the U.S army would play Craps in their free time. The game has evolved all throughout the years as a very popular past time that can be played in any virtual setting. This game is also very popular with people on alleys and rooms.
The early stages of the game were a bit unclear to historians because no one has ever really identified the birth of the game. Leisure time for humans in truth has no exact beginning or end.
As people started to blend in with different cultures, activities for leisure have been passed down to culture to culture. The adaptation of each individual determined the evolution of the game thus the difficulty in tracing back to its origins. The only way of knowing about the history of where it all started is to just trace back the similarities of other games in the course of time.
With that being said, the origins of Craps will forever be unknown. People have already agreed that the game of chance playing with a dice can go way back in time. While in casinos, it is also accepted that Craps can be traced with the game Hazard. Hazard is also considered a game of chance which is also very popular with British people and it can be dated back over a long period of time.
As the Europeans started to explore and colonize some parts of the world in the past, the process included the influencing through entertainment. It is also rumored that the British were the ones who introduced the game of chance by playing with a dice to Americans while others say that the French were the ones who did it with their spin-off version of the game- Crabes.
Lastly, the well-known game can be played in all casinos and it is also very popular on the online or virtual aspect.