In addition to the number of variation on how playing the game of roulette, there is also variation when it comes to making inside and outside bets in the game. For instance in playing the European Roulette, there is a number of variation of numbers which can be found in designated sectors of the roulette wheel. In layman’s term, these are usually called “Call Bets” or to be more specific, “Announced Bets”.
Classic Roulette Bets
Between the two terms of calling bets, there is a unique distinction when it comes to the two terms. The call bet can be the act of any player calling a bet without even placing any chip or money on the table and usually players to do this to cover the bet’s cost. This term is used in most casinos and especially in the United Kingdom. People consider this type of betting as gambling on credit and this type of betting is considered illegal in most jurisdictions across the globe.
With that being said, an announced bet is an act of any player who calls a certain bet and automatically covers the payment for the bet and this is done before the spinning of the wheel commences.
The style of betting in the game of roulette includes specific sections and a combination of numbers on the betting table. Each player can either place a bet on a set per combination or on the multiples of the amount wagered. The combinations of each number also depend on how each number is located on the wheel and also several numbers are to be distinguished.
Neighbors of Zero
This kind of betting includes the 17 numbers found between 22 and 25 on the single-zero wheel. This includes the numbers 0, 2, 19, 21, 22, 25, 3, 4, 26, 28, 29, 32, 35, 7, 12, 15, 18.
This will need 9 chips to make the bet. A player can place 2 chips as a split bet between 0, 2, and 3. 5 chips will also be placed as split bets between 4, 7, and 12, 18, 21, and 19 and 22, 32 and 35. The last 2 chips will be corner bets on the 25, 26, 28 and 29.
Thirds of the Wheel
This type of betting will involve 12 numbers that are located on the opposite side of the single-zero wheel. This will be the numbers 33 and 27 with the inclusion of the two.
The numbers will be involving 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33 respectively. This kind of variation of betting is known to be the most popular type of wagering in the United Kingdom.
This will need 6 chips that will be using 6 splits of betting. 1 split between 10 and ll, 1 split between 5 and 8, 1 split 13 and 16, 1 split between 27 and 30, 1 split between 23 and 24, and 1 split between 33 and 36.